We would like to start this blog by saying thank you so much to everyone out there that is working hard to help heal Memphis. We have seen more than once that what you are doing has helped Memphis so much. The biggest example of how you are helping comes from the first 24 hours after surgery. We were told by the doctors that there would be no honeymoon period after surgery and to expect him to be very very sick. Not only sick but high risk for his pulmonary hyper tension returning. So we prepared for the worst. But, Memphis surprised us all including the doctors and nurses with a honeymoon period like no other. Memphis did so well during those first 24 hours after surgery that they had the ventilator turned all the way down to resting settings. He was oxygenating and releasing co2 like he was a healthy baby. In fact the doctor said that if he hadn't just come out of surgery he could take him off the ventilator all together. The doctor could not explain this phenomenon. They next several days after surgery Memphis caught back up with the curve he was expected to be on but in our opinion he missed the worst part of that curve. You all definitely made surgery day much easier for him and for that we thank you.
Memphis had a rough afternoon yesterday. His was running a temperature of around 102, breathing very quickly, and throwing up. These all could have been symptoms of either a stomach bug or withdrawal from the narcotics that they are beginning to wean. The throwing up could also have been reflux from the feedings. There are so many different things that could be happening that for right now they are just watching to see what he does next. We hope they can narrow it down and figure out how they can help him soon. We will let you know more when we know.
We finally have pee!!! Yesterday, Memphis had 180cc output for the day. Today, we have alreday had 110 out and a lot more day to go. But, dialysis is still in the future if he doesn't start making "high quality pee". Right now Memphis is just urinating water. His kidneys have to also process his nutrition, medicines, and keep his electrolytes stable. To sum things up his kidney still need some healing time.
As of today, we are not getting the chest tube. The doctor said that he sees a little more oxygen in the left lung and wants to hold off for now on the chest tube. All the chest tube does is release fluid from the left side of the diaphragm. Because his lung is so tiny it doesn't fill up the left side of the diaphragm which in turn had to fill up with something --fluid being the answer.
He has gained some more weight, but having a good day today considering. We will hope that he continues his good morning and have a great night as well.
My healing group has been doing work for you, Little Memphis, and we are absolutely thrilled to see your progress! I found out about you after I stumbled upon your Grandpa Tom's YouTube videos, and then stumbled into his on-line healing forum, run by Ted. What a beautiful way that we all find and help each other!