Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A full 24 hours after surgery

During the day today, we went down on the ventilator quite a bit, almost as far as hey could go, and he is still doing good. They had to go up on his rate later in the evening, kind of what they expected. The nurse practitioner took out his UAC, and put in peripheral arterial access to keep access for them to put the medicines in. While they were doing this he coughed his breathing tube out, along with a huge glob of secretions. He tolerated not having the ventilator well. His saturation numbers went down, but he didn't bottom out at all. This was good in the long run because they needed to put a bigger ventilator tube in anyway, and the huge phlegm ball couldnt have been comfortable.

Oh.... and another thing... HE PEED!!!!!! It was only 10cc, but we will take anything after not seeing any at all for so long.

Good news and good night.

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