Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today has been a good one.

We are worried about Memphis' liver right now the most. Memphis's is now getting fed 40cc every three hours. At eight o'clock tonight they are going to start feeding him 50cc every three hours. The doctors and nurses are really trying to push Memphis to feed because his Bilirubin number is getting to high. They say the bilirubin number will come back down once Memphis gets off of total parenteral nutrition (TPN). TPN can cause liver injury. The liver damage associated with TPN may be reversible; however, In situations where prolonged TPN is required eventually there is liver failure. Infants are the most susceptible to liver damage from TPN and Memphis has been on it for 10 weeks. Today, Memphis is looking very yellow colored from his bilirubin being to high. The more milk Memphis eats, the less TPN he needs the better his number gets and his color will go back to normal. So what he needs most right now is to be able to get up to full feeds 2 and 1/2 ounces without reflux problems. He needs to properly digest his food without throwing it up. Hopefully in the next couple of days Memphis can be completely off TPN and his liver can heal.

Memphis is still doing good with the nasal cannulas at 40% airflow. They are not going to wean that for awhile. They don't want to push Memphis to hard and end up having to go backwards. I agree going backwards is not what we want. This area will just take time. He can't grow his lungs overnight :-)

The fentanyl has been weaned to 2 mug/kg/h So far doing great with not having very high withdrawal signs which means still no methadone yet.

Memphis is doing great with urine output and his kidney numbers are still looking good.

Now that Memphis has been extubated, OT therapist will start coming weekly to help him learn all the Oral things he has never learned.

That's it for today...


  1. I like when it starts with today has been a good one. So glad he's advancing on his feeds without a lot of problems. Keep up the good work little man.

  2. Anonymous is me, Kelli. It's the only way I can figure out how to post it.
