Thursday, October 13, 2011

Memphis has gained some weight now that he is not on dialysis, he is up to 11lbs from 9lbs.  This is alot of weight gain in two days.  Yesterday, Memphis had 16cc of urine output all day.  This morning the Dr. put Memphis on a diuretic that he receives every 8 hours.  After his first dose of diuretic he made 23cc of urine!  hopefully Memphis can keep this up and not be put back on dialysis.  Some of his electrolyte levels are beginning to wavier and his stomach has become very extended from not getting rid of enough urine and bowel.

Feeding did not go so great today :-(
After his 6am and 9am feeding he had some re-flux.  A green acidic phlegm.  Because of this the Dr. has stopped his feeding for now.  We have not been told when they will start back or how.  Instead of giving a 5cc bolus of milk they may decided to give a feeding drip.  We will keep you posted on this as we are informed.

They have begun to slowly wean Memphis on his narcotics.  We were told that this could be another reason for him throwing up.  It could be a sign of withdrawal.

The last big piece of news today is that the Dr. may have to put a draining tube in to help release the fluid that is in the open space where there is very little lung.  The Dr. has said that this is a very normal procedure with cdh babies. They of course hope that they don't have to do it but it happens more often than not. We will know more about this tomorrow.

Thank you for keeping Memphis in your thoughts and prayers.  He has gotten past the worst but still has a very long way to go.

Levi is off ECMO!!  But, he is having a little bit more trouble being off the ECMO machine than Memphis did.  Today has been a hard day for Levi and I ask that everyone continue to pray for and send positive energy to baby Levi.

1 comment:

  1. Go Memphis! He's doing awesome and its so encouraging that they are trying to feed him already! Maddie had two chest tubes, and even though they are painful, they really helped her breath better.
