Friday, October 7, 2011

This morning has brought us just about the same news. He is doing well, as well as they expect any CDH post operative baby to do. He did so well the first day and now he is kind of catching back up to the curve that he should be at. He looks a little puffy right now, especially in his face. His xray has shown that the cavity where his left lung is, is finally filling up with fluid. His heart is pretty much back to where it should be. He didn't pee last night, but they are planning on waiting for the dialysis pump to clot off and shut down, and then they will attempt to leave him off of it for a day or so. If his kidneys will start back up for the most part, then they will leave him off of it. Sunday will be his last day of antibiotics as long as everything goes well and he isn't showing any signs of infection.

He lost 60 grams last night. That puts him down to nine pounds. It's the smallest he's been in a while.

We will keep everybody updated.

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