Today has been pretty calm around the nicu. Memphis gained about ten grams last night, which isn't very bad compared to the hundreds he has gained in previous nights. They haven't weaned his ventilator today yet, because of some blood gases that were on the bad side last night. Even though it hasn't been weaned it is still on a fairly low setting of 32. They did wean his medicines however. The versed that he had been taking for quite a while has been removed completely today. Versed is a sedative, and is not extremely habit forming. It has some side effects related to withdrawals, but nothing particularly severe. The fentanyl that he has been on pretty much the whole time, has been weaned down by .2 today. This medicine does have severe withdrawal chances. They are taking it slow on this one. We expect more and more weaning over the next few days.
The doctors have started him back on Pedialyte today. He gets five cc every three hours. if he can tolerate this, and keep most of it down, they will attempt breast milk again in the next few days. We hope he can tolerate most of it and get the TPN weaned down. Being fed intravenously is good, but it has a tendency to damage their liver. The faster he can eat by mouth, the better off his body will be.
The doctor hasn't stopped by to talk with us over the last few days now, so I have no idea on the chances of him getting a chest tube. He has been outputting quite a bit of urine now, so hopefully his body will be able to handle the fluid in his chest cavity. Dialysis hasn't been mentioned again as of right now, but his kidney numbers are a little bit high.
He day has been pretty calm today. He has been mad just a little bit, and it hasn't taken long to calm him down from that. He's just been lying around, and mommy has been showing him baby einstein movies on the iPad (which he really enjoys).
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