Saturday, October 22, 2011

Memphis is doing really well today. They are really pushing to get him off of TPN now, so they are increasing his milk intake. The TPN is tough on his liver, so the sooner we can get him off of it, the better. There really isn't a whole lot going on today on our end. He's been resting in his big boy crib pretty much all day, other than when mom is holding him. It is so nice when he is just looking around all content like. He has been doing so good. Dr. Anderson stopped by this morning to see how he was doing. He mentioned that from the looks of the X-ray, he wouldn't need a chest tube.

Memphis' feelings have been going well. He has had some reflux. They do expect him to have some and so far it hasn't seemed to be so much that the doctors are worried about it.

We will let everybody know if anything else happens.


  1. so amazing to hear how well he is doing. Hooray for no chest tube! How are his sats doing?
