Thursday, October 27, 2011

A calm day for Memphis today. It is nice having some days where not alot happens. They are now feeding Memphis 27cc an hour on the continuous feed which is 81cc every 3 hours. This is his full feed! Memphis is doing very well with this, he only throws up once sometimes twice a day. Maybe in the next few weeks they can get him feeding from a bottle. OT has been coming everyday to work with Memphis to learn to suck. He is now taking a passy for a minute or two before spitting it out. He does gag ever once in a while but he is slowly making progress. Therapists are also coming daily to help with muscle movements. Because Memphis spent so many weeks laying in one position sedated, his muscles are tight in his arms and legs. Mom worked with him today on holding his head up.

The pressure flow of his oxygen has been weaned from 2 to 1. When it gets weaned to under .5, that's a number we can go home on considering he has learned how to eat. Hopefully we won't have to go home on oxygen but we are expecting it.

The methadone is still the same no weaning on that yet. The adivan is now being given every 8 hours instead of 6 and the dose was cut in half.

His bilirubin has come down from 8 to 3. It's still high but headed in the right direction.

Memphis still has so much to work on, but is doing very well.

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