Memphis is doing surprisingly well after his surgery. His ventilator rate has been weaned down quite a bit. It has almost been weaned down to where they can't turn it down anymore, which is good. His %o2 concentrate has also been weaned some from 100% to 74%. They all say that they are typically very sick after surgery, and he isn't really exhibiting any of these signs, as of yet. Swelling isn't even an issue yet. All of the staff seems to be amazed and surprised that he is doing so well right now. I think they still expect him to regress, but as of now he is doing great. Still no pee, but even a healthy person won't urinate directly after surgery. Right this minute, restarting dialysis is still up in the air, Dr. Anderson is deferring to nephrology on that issue. If the nephrologist feels like he still needs it then they will put him back on. His x-ray looks good, no fluid in his chest cavity as of yet, which they expect the cavity to fill up. His heart has already moved back to almost where it should be. Dr. Anderson will not push to exubate(remove the breathing tube and ventilator support) him soon, but he is definitely on the right track for it.
He has been awake this morning, and tolerating it very well. If he starts getting aggravated though, they will heavily sedate him. He had the hiccups also, which Dr. Anderson says is good.
No official weight this morning, and his blood gases have been wonderful.
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