4680 grams, down 50 grams from yesterday. Memphis had a little bit of an eventful night yesterday. He was doing well and his ventilator was being weaned down every chance they got. Around six pm his blood pressure saw a large drop. This also correlated with a rise in his CO2, it went from around 40 up to 66. The range they would like is between 40 and 55. His dialysis machine was turned down to take no extra off, and his ventilator rate was turned up to 60 from 50. Nothing particularly great was changed, but his trend of continuously getting better was interrupted briefly.
Over night they were able to wean his O2 concentration down to 59. The surgeon has stated that he wanted this number at 60 or below before attempting surgery. The nurse said that if they can get the rate down a little, then they may do the surgery tomorrow. He will get much worse after the surgery. Hopefully not too bad.
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