Memphis was seen by Early Intervention yesterday, they came to asses him and see if he did in fact need their services. Infants and toddlers from birth through age 2 are eligible to receive appropriate services if they are delayed by 25 percent or more in their cognitive, physical, communicative, social, emotional or adaptive development, or if they have a diagnosis of a physical and/or medical condition that will likely result in developmental delay. We were told that even without adding up the scores, Memphis will definitely be eligible for this service. He qualifies for many reasons, but the two big reasons are feeding issues and developmental delay. Early Intervention staff will come to our house to work with Memphis as well as train mom and dad in what they need to know to help Memphis achieve his maximum potential.
Memphis saw his kidney doctor this past Tuesday and he still has high blood pressure -- his systolic was 112 and they would like it to be between 80 and 105. So, the doctor upped his blood pressure medicine dose. This was to be expected because as he grows in weight he will out grow his medicine and it no longer is therapeutic. The doctor said this is completely normal and he would have been surprised if Memphis would have been able to get off his medicine. The doctor also said that around 18months of age is when children with kidney trauma tend to out grow the need for blood pressure medicine. It just takes some time for the Kidney's to heal.
Still having some reflux issues, and still actively trying to figure out how to fix it. Mom and Dad think that it may be drainage that he doesn't fully swallow down - that he then gets chocked on and tries to bring up? Maybe it is just as simple as he is now healthier and moving around a lot which gets everything moving and it causes him to re-flux? If that is the case, there is no fix and he just has to out grow it. Poor baby we wish we could make it go away :-(
Memphis will be getting his Helmet on the 20th of January. Hopefully if it does its job, it will correct his deformity by 80%.
Memphis will also be seeing his Pulmonary Doctor and Surgeon on the 23rd of January. We will keep everyone updated as those appointments come. We are hoping to get rid of the apnea monitor!
Thanks for Keeping up with our Little Man it means so much
He really looks a lot better. It may be hard for you to notice because you see him every day, but I see a big change in this picture. He looks a lot healthier.