As of Friday December 20th, the Pulmonary Dr. ceased the use of supplementary oxygen. Memphis has been breathing "room air" for five days and thoroughly enjoying it! It is Amazing! We were told at the hospital that he would probably be on oxygen for 6months to a year. He just turned 5 months on the 19th and the very next day came off oxygen completely. What a wonderful birthday present. He has been super smiley every since the nose cannula came out. We have been told that the company that supplies the Oxygen and its accessories will be coming to pick up everything soon. This of course means the saturation monitor will go also, mom has become quite used to having this and isn't thrilled that it will be leaving. The reasoning behind this is Memphis is still having a lot of reflux and if he were to reflux in the middle of the night and choke we will no longer have a monitor to beep very loud to tell us he isn't breathing.
Here he is watching his movie..
Memphis has his helmet now and of course doesn't like it one bit. We are taking this week to slowly increase the amount of hours spent wearing it until eventually we get to 23hrs a day. Today he will wear it twice for four hours each time. Tomorrow he will wear it for six hours.
Memphis went to his follow up appointment to see the surgeon which went well. The surgeon was impressed with how much weight he has gained since leaving the hospital. He was also impressed with how squirmy and wiggly he was. Memphis wasn't moving around much in the hospital but then again he was stuck in a bed all the time -- where was he too wiggle to? All of his battle wounds looked great and healed perfectly. We brought up our concerns about the continuing reflux and Memphis was given yet another medicine. This medicine is supposed to work by helping things to move through him better thus helping the reflux. We have not yet given this medicine, we will give it this afternoon. We were told to try it for a few weeks and see what happens.
Memphis will see the OT therapist at home for the first time on January 31st. She will work with Memphis on sucking/eating from a bottle mainly as well as a few other things.
So pleased everything is going well for your beautiful little boy. He is amazing!