Friday, September 16, 2011

Emotional Rollercoaster

As you all know, we went on dialysis this past Wednesday. Well yesterday, Memphis was doing so good using his lungs to breath that the ECMO machine was only having to support him 65 percent. His flow numbers had gotten down to .205 which is the magic number and the nurses were able to wheen our gasses so much that the doctors thought that we had a window of opportunity to get off of the ECMO machine altogether. This would have meant we were getting close to surgery.
Because of all of Memphis' great progress yesterday the doctors decided to take him back off of dialysis. This happened between 2pm and 4pm. Memphis had to be off dialysis and peeing on his own again as well as using his lungs to process oxygen in order for us to move to the next step.

But alas,today is another day and we missed our window. The ECMO machine has been turned all the way back up and Memphis is resting his lungs once again. The doctors are talking about putting him back on dialysis and of course to put icing on the cake he will have to get his third circuit change.

Let's hope that Memphis was showing us that he will be able to do this he just isn't quite ready yet.


  1. This sounds really tough to deal with. Stay positive! Please give us a call if we can help with anything!

  2. Sounds like Memphis was testing the waters to prove that he will continue to get better so that he can have the necessary stuff done :) he's stronger than we all know! Stay positive, and we'll be praying and sending awesome thoughts your way!
