Memphis is doing great. He is showing a little more growth, strength, and progress every day. As mentioned before, his oxygen has been weaned to a quarter liter which is lower than it has to be to go home. His oxygen numbers are staying at 100 with this wean which simply means he is breathing great! Memphis will go home with oxygen which makes mom and dad happy -- it's almost like a security blanket.
The fundoplication surgery and Gtube are still set for December 1st. Memphis' hematocrit(blood level) is still low. They are not going to give him a blood transfusion as of yet until these levels being so low start to affect his ability to oxygenate. My guess is that he will probably have to get a transfusion before he goes to surgery next Thursday.
The methadone has now been weaned to a small amount(.3) once a day. Memphis has been doing very well with this so far.
Memphis has been working very hard to strengthen all his muscles. He can now hold his head up on his own for a few minutes. He is still working very hard on rolling over. He keeps telling mom that there is no reason for rolling over to his tummy when laying on his back works just fine. He has become very nosey now that he is alert. He loves to have his head stretched way far out so he can watch all the nurses and other babies while being held. He's just checking to make sure everything is running smoothly :-).
so very happy and amazed Memphis is doing so well! Any whispers about when you may be headed home?