Thursday, September 27, 2012

Memphis at 1 Year!!

Memphis turned one on August 19, 2012!!!!!

Wow what a crazy and long journey just to get to the wonderful age of one. I cannot believe one year ago we were sitting in Children's Hospital in Birmingham hoping that he would survive -- feeling completely helpless, unable to scoop up our little baby boy and take away all of his pain.

 Memphis is doing great, he has now completely mastered the art of crawling on all fours might I add.  No more military crawl while dragging one leg behind though effective was obviously not the typical baby crawl. Memphis is also pulling up on everything and even attempting to start walking around objects that he has pulled up on. According to Physical Therapy, Memphis is right on track.

Memphis is beginning to babble.  He is now saying Da Da Da, Bu Bu Bu, and Hi.  He is also waving goodbye and clapping his heads to say YAY.   He is very expressive with his facial expressions.  He is so cute when he is told No and doesn't like it.

Feeding is still a very big issue.  Memphis will not eat by mouth no matter what mom and dad try. He will however allow you to give him tastes of food without gagging and throwing up.  We call this a feat.  Now that Memphis is one years old we are trying to steer away from formula/breastmilk and find another source for nutrition.  The Doctors want us to use Pediasure.  Mom and dad  are not big fans of that idea. Would you give your typical child processed nutrition from a can or whole foods?  We have decided to blenderize whole foods instead.  Much healthier in our opinion. We did try and appease the doctors by giving pediasure a try along with blenderized meals.  This was of course weeks after we had already introduced many different type of foods blenderized. We found out within just a few days that pediasue did not settle in Memphis stomach very well, he began throwing up after every feeding.  We hope that giving Memphis blended whole foods will help him develop a taste for food.  We are still going to look for some type of product like pediasure that Memphis can tolerate for on the go purposes.

So, aside from our ongoing feeding issues, Memphis is in the 15th percentile of his peers in weight at 20lbs and in the 75th percentile in height at 30".  He is a beautiful, happy, stubborn, hard  headed One year old child.

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