Friday, May 31, 2013

Small, but good!

Hello all!

Memphis went in for a followup on Wednesday regarding his eye surgery. The doctor was quite impressed with his progress. He inquired about how much we had been patching. We were supposed to patch every day for about an hour, but alas life got in the way. Memphis absolutely hated it regardless. We have not been patching at all. The doctor was amazed at that point. Memphis' eyes track great and he sees now problems reoccurring for now. A long day for mommy and Braden, but it was good news.

Signing with him is doing great! He currently has about 20 signs that he does, and he understands many more. He is making lots of noise now, but none seem to be trying to communicate other than just getting our attention. Regardless he is making such big boy progress!

We are currently working on birthday plans for his second birthday! He is such a big guy now. I will let everyone know what the plans are when we get them finalized.

Until next time.

If you want more information regarding CDH you can always visit

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Everyday life, and everything is good

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. Memphis is doing great! He is now using sign language as his primary form of communication. He shows no sign of really "wanting" to talk. He has aroudn ten to fifteen signs that he uses. Dog, cat, water, eat, and a few more. None of them are perfect, but we know what he means.

One of our biggest hurdles as of so far is him becoming more mobile. A couple of weeks ago we spent a whole day in the hospital because he had pulled out s g-tube button while we weren't looking. We had to go to the local hospital first, just to get something pushed through the hole. After they convinced us that they could get the button itself back in, we waited and watched them push and prod on the little man for a couple of hours. All the time we are having to hold him down. Finally they got a foley catheter pushed through and sent us on to Birmingham. Of course now it was almost seven in the evening. Two hours later and about 120 miles, we were seen in the ER of Children's hospital. When the surgeon finally came in, he was done in two minutes. Man talk about a cranky little guy the next few days. Lesson learned: Just tell the local guys to stick something through, so we can begin driving to Birmingham.

His eye surgery has seemed to corrected everything. The over correction even seems to be going away. Two little beautiful eyes looking straight at you now. His hearing was tested a few days ago d everything still seems fine with that also. If we can just get him to eat now.

On the subject of eating, all the specialists say that he is on the right track. He will taste almost anything once, and come back over and over for salty things. He just wants the taste though, not the substance. He immediatlely tries to remove anything solid that gets in his mouth.

Well, school is almost out, the days are long, and the kids always want to be outside. Memphis included. He loves the outside. His most upsetting parts of the day is when Mommy or Daddy have to leave and he cant go with them. Still the happiest baby though.

Thanks for reading!